products, plans, time

8:46 PM Posted In , , Edit This 0 Comments »
"I'm no stranger to international travel. I emigrated to the States when I was 7 from Poland." These might be the intro words to that novel I want to write some day. 

On the Rag Bag is the name of a product I want to develop. I also want to reproduce locally what Kaos kids clothing does; recycling cool old concert tees into swanky toddler dresses. For my kid and a couple crafty boutiques maybe. And a new jewelry product.

I have to write a book review.

The dishwasher is not fully loaded.

I want a beer.

I don't have two consecutive hours for the Turk tonight.

I do have time to research Godchild gift websites, and that's what I'm going to choose to do right now.

Continued Work from Home post

2:08 PM Posted In , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
I'll be brief with these last few:
This is kind of a hidden penny mine of income. Supposedly if you just gnaw into this endeavor you can make a few hundred a week, but I think my brain would explode with the monotony first. I've made some chump change here, like $14 for a half hour of cumulative work, say, which has gone straight into discounting whatever my next Amazon purchase was. But, the opportunity exists if you hit upon the right projects, are quick with computers, wordy, and accurate.
6. ASA International Area Representative
I applied for this position recently through Craigslist. I would manage local families and incoming foreign exchange students at the High School level. But dang if it hasn't been impossible to actually get the training and start the process of this job going!

7. Preschool teacher
What I did when Toddler was a baby. I taught the 2's class, and she got to go for free. When this baby turns 18 months, I could work there again if they have an opening. This would be 2-4 mornings a week for pretty low pay, but it's childcare rolled up with a steady (albeit small) paycheck that would complement the other employments nicely.

I mean, it seems pretty clear that I should focus my efforts into making more money with the avenues already accessible to me. I'm gonna go do that now!

Full time, part time, or self-employed: that is the question

7:02 PM Posted In , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
I've been in limbo for a long time about how to go about earning money. Going "back to work" full time would mean the kids going to full time preschool and daycare, and I'd have to get the highest paying entry level job possible in order to basically equal the cost of mortgage and childcare. Dh's salary covers our bills, period. My/our other part time work covers Miscellaneous.

So for months, actually years, I've been dithering about just cashing out of the whole full time mommy thing and getting a full time job, full time daycare. But it's a reality that's just not happening. I need to make so much right off the bat to make it even worth it that's it's daunting and so the list of jobs I can even apply for is small in an already tiny pool of job postings that will even respond to your inquiry/shining resume/well-crafted follow-up emails. 

So I always wind up going back to square 1: 

How to make money with what I already have

1. (not that this is the #1 best way to do it, simply it's first on this mental list) 
Sell old stuff 
Though it seems like this is a finite way of making money, you'd be surprised at what you're willing to sell once you start digging stuff up. Suddenly your book shelf starts to look like a used book store, and your closet like a thrift store.
Ok, so I've Craigslisted an old futon, Toddler's cute baby shoes & clothes, an old washer and dryer, the "other" car.
I have accounts on Ebay and newbie Bonanzle. Haven't Ebayed yet, that market seems to be kinda saturated. Bonanzle is nice because there are no upfront fees. No sales there though, even though the site is really pretty!
I have sold basketloads of baby and maternity things to a local kids resale shop.
I have had two garage sales in the past year, both with a really decent turnout, and gotten rid of everything from heavily emotional items - first baby's bassinette :( - and heavily reviled items (bye, ugly candle holders!) to the "someone else's treasure" (full unused fondue set.)

The key here is not to look at each item's true estimated value, but to look at turning a bulk of unused items into hundreds of dollars. This has helped me be less attached to things and more interested in oiling the gears of our fiscal situation. And hey, uncluttering to boot. 

2. Sell New Stuff 
Put more effort into our kids' t-shirt business and get more clients. We're already in a bunch of local stores, but getting out of Austin has proven to be difficult. The phrase "we're full in our t-shirt lines" has been often uttered to me, if they've even replied at all. I mean, hundreds of emails and dozens of phone calls have fallen about as flat as emailing your resume to as many job postings on Monster. My most recent wholesale order? Baby was wearing one of our onesies when I went to sell a basket of old clothes to a local resale store; the owner really loved it, I mentioned we make them, she revealed her business plan to expand the locally made "new clothing" portion of her store, and weeks later a bulk wholesale order was born! Other local stores are laming out on me, choosing to stock more yuppie couture and less homegrown & clever.

Then, there are individuals of the world wide web who simply don't know about our fun fun homemade baby goodies and need a cute giftie for someone. The real grunt work is getting these folks' attention in a genuine way. I mean, I hate sales. The idea of telling someone to buy something makes me ill. But presenting them with the option of making a buying choice that supports local & handmade does make me feel good. That's all. I just want the world to know that we are here, on our little island of internet property, with our little home silk screening workshop, churning out witty things for kids to wear over which we giggled while designing, written on the back of a junk mail envelope over consecutive walks in the park with our first baby in an attempt to transcend the rat race.

I also started my adventure in self owned business when I learned how to design and make jewelry. So that's another thing I can sell. I haven't made any new pieces since 2007 or something. I could make more. I also have some other ideas for jewelry type things, though I won't divulge here lest someone else runs with the idea and makes the millions I'm missing out on by ignoring these ideas.

3. Web Design
Juggle juggle, hey! I'm a web designer too. I need more clients though. My thing is though that I work in very basic html. Been using Dreamweaver since 2001. With the advent of iWeb, I'm able to design a little more complicated things from templates, but so can every other average jane. So my target client is your basic 60 year old with a something that needs web presence. A nice neat, functioning site with pretty colors. A website for the book you wrote, your art photography, your restaurant/bike shop/dentist office/tattoo parlor. Word of mouth so far has been my only ally. Lots of fish biting, but no one's signing on, no matter what price I make up out of thin air. The truth is, most people can create a site lickety split with today's user friendly technology, why pay someone else? Wealthy Luddites, I welcome you with open arms.

4. Music
I am a musician. I am in a band. Like probably 80% of Austin. LOL. We rehearse every Monday and have an average couple gigs a month. We are still hoping to make it, and I love the music. I have yet to make money, as one of 13 members, but the possibility dangles. Anyway, I could do so much more with music. I can offer flute lessons. I can record my own flute lullabye cd based on old Polish folk tunes, heavy with the reverb and delay that I so love. If I could push the grand Pause button on the children and go into our recording studio (= dh's closet, site of the recording of his entirely self produced kids' cd,) I could make this a reality. 

5. Amazon Turk, 
6. ASA International Area Representative,
7. Preschool teacher,
and any more that I think of will have to be posted tomorrow. I have work to do, and when you have babies, 12:32am is when it gets done!

every morning

8:54 AM Posted In , , Edit This 2 Comments »
Every morning is the same, pretty much. Somewhere between 6 and 7 am, Baby starts his morning nursing marathon that seems to go on for hours. At some point, Toddler wakes up and stands at the edge of the bed, stage whispering, "Can I go play, mommy?" I manage to wave my acquiescence or even grunt back an OK without waking Baby fully and she high tails it out of the room, courteously shutting our bedroom door behind her. She sets up camp in front of the TV, having learned how to navigate our Master Remote 3000 to get to Noggin or Sprout.

At some point I realize that nursing has turned into indiscriminate rabbit kicking and intermittent high pitched shrieks. So I fumble for my glasses (unless Baby has crawled over me to get them for me, and by "get" I mean shake like a cocktail and bend back the wrong way), my feet find the floor and I roll Baby off with me. He slithers away and runs to sister on the couch. We say Boo to her when we arrive. An alternate version is if we get up before her, we go to the couch, and when she wakes up she sneaks up on us to shout Boo on the couch. 

We then veg for a show or two. I have to hide the remote, my glasses, and cell phone under my pillow, and clear the coffee table of all water containing vessels. At some point the need for coffee and food align with the ending of a show and I ceremoniously emerge from my morning twilight to turn off the TV. Whining ensues, "I don't wanna go potty!!!!" I grab the baby and say over my shoulder, "follow me to the bathroom..."

As I'm changing his diaper, she arrives meekly in the bathroom, her whining having fallen flat in front of the dark television. She might start playing with all her barrettes or something but finally gets on the potty and does her duty like a little racehorse. I then have to use all my energy to keep Baby from pulling her off the stool as she brushes her teeth. 

Then we move on to their bedroom. I try to catch one last shred of rest on her big girl bed as I tell her to go pick her outfit. This can take anywhere from 10-30 minutes. She brings me socks, undies, pants, and a tank top (oh, it's always a tank top) piece by piece. Baby runs around, playing with the dinosaur ball ramp toy, throwing stuffed animals into his crib, and banging on the door once in a while for good measure. I chase him around the room on my knees until both his legs are in pants and his shirt or onesie has fit onto the rest of his body parts. He's really good at getting his own arms through a shirt. He'll be 15 months old tomorrow!

Now, it's time to move back out to the living room. Yay! I have approximately 5-8 minutes to make coffee and start breakfast before Baby spots me from the depths of the toy room and remembers that he wants to be back in my womb immediately.

I make the rest of breakfast dragging a hysterical baby with my knees until he sits in his high chair  with some food that he will begin eating with great gusto. Toddler angles for some computer or tv time while I make breakfast, but will generally retreat into imaginary play for the duration of the prep. 

Everyone sits at breakfast, and I take a nice deep sip of my black coffee with sugar.

We declare Valentine's Sugar Day!!!!

11:11 AM Posted In , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
Non stop sugar. Sugar in my coffee, boxes of chocolates, baked a giant heart cookie plus a dozen for dh, decorated with sugar gel and candy hearts, have a dozen Krispy Kremes, a box of candy sent from a friend, and a triple cookie mix from Costco. 

friday the 13th, oooh

9:43 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Now that there are 17 minutes left of Friday the 13th, I have only just noticed what it was. Stayed home today, just letting the kids run around the backyard til the littlest one needed his nap. 

I really should work on my long term working projects sometimes. At least transcribe my Paris journal some more onto the computer. I already transcribed the European travel journal and went through a preliminary edit of the whole thing. Then I got bored with the project - ugh, I have to dig into this vague description of feelings and extract some dialogue and memories of setting to make it more interesting? blargh - and that's when I decided to switch to the Paris journal and transcribe THAT to see if 1.) they could be merged into My Year Abroad story, or to see if Paris, which happened first anyway, would make a better first story. Actually, (which is a word I use often and now which my 4 year old uses constantly) I don't believe I've ever come across any bio-fiction dealing with My Year Abroad. There must be some. I must check Amazon. brb.

Ok, b. Here is what I found:

A Year Abroad: The Swiss Diary of Christy by Christine M. A Kraemer (Paperback - Dec 31, 2002)
and a bunch of books that are Guides to Having a Totally Awesome Time Abroad if You're A Dummy

Hmm, I may have a niche there, unless my Google skills are lacking. I put the dh on that task, just in case. Anyhoo, might be nice to launch something like that into the universe. I had always thought writing would be more for my 40's, but if there's an empty niche, I wouldn't want to miss a meteoric rise. The in laws, coincidentally, just started their own publishing company. Though I feel tempted to go through more established channels, like "getting published" would seem more real that way? 

Well I'd better go, now it's time for some Ben & Jerry's and tv time. Ahhh.


8:04 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
Every day, coffee makes me very happy. I'm drinking Austin's special Ruta Maya organic coffee. Ever since last June, when I went dairy/sugar/gluten-free for a month, I have been drinking my coffee black. I did bring the sugar back. Now it reminds me of dark chocolate; dark sweet warm morning drink which makes my brain very happy. 
At any given moment I have a little storm of thoughts raining in my head, it's hard to know where to make the needle drop. Like just now I just thought of how many cereals we have to mix in DD's breakfast bowl, about how I miss Paris, how I need to get the inventory of tshirts from a store we're in, and the fact that I'm not dressed yet, and how the reading skills of babies and toddlers is a foremost concern in my life.
I want to go camping. I want to install the bicycle seat on the other bike so we can take the kids biking before it becomes 200 degrees here for many many months. Of course I also need a bike rack so we can take the bikes to a nice trail instead of our grueling slanted neighborhood. And for this I need money, which unfortunately has to all go to the mortgage now. So I guess I'm stuck with an uninstalled bike seat, miles of untravelled paths, and debt instead. Off to check my latest lottery ticket!

dance party, yeah yeah

6:32 AM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »
The whole family is going to Little Lounge Lizards today, it's a dance party at a real nightclub, but during the day and for the under-10 and parents set. With a real dj and good music. At least I hope we don't have to dance to some crappy folk kids music. 

I think dh worked overtime last night because he went to bed at 7:45, which is when Baby decided to wake up today, acting like a little bushy tailed bunny in bed and amusing the last of dh's consciousness with his antics. I had to pull him out when he started jump on dh's head. But we're waking him at noon to come to the dance party so hopefully he'll get enough rest.


6:32 AM Posted In , , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
I'm dogged by the constant feeling that I'm forgetting something. I have more on my plate than the average person, though I know we're all super busy. It's 8am and a very dry morning. The baby has nursed me so dry it's like all my cells had to contribute to the milk to make sure there was some. I need a drink of water, but here on the couch, where Baby and Toddler are watching their "mommy needs time to wake up" show, is where I have to be stuck unless I want to hear Baby's shriek of separation anxiety lest I move a muscle.
I also would like to put in a load of laundry, make some coffee, and fold up the clean laundry. At least the baby's diaper is already changed! The toddler still hasn't gone potty. 
Today we're going to stay around the house. Maybe I'll put the xmas decorations away. What? Yeah it's February. At least they're in boxes in the guest bedroom, not all over the living room. 
I could go through several bags of old papers and mail. Find something for dinner to cook. Need to find out the inventory of one of the stores where we sell our baby tshirts that we make. I can post more of Toddler's old clothes on ebay, the special box that has the brand names saved. I need to call back the exterminator company which has been hounding us to schedule some maintenance. I have to call Baby's midwife to get together this month for some catching up. And I never did call back to get my pap results. This list is boring me. I haven't blogged or journaled in a long time. It just doesn't seem like I have the time or energy to peruse my own thought process in the detail I used to.
It's 40 minutes later and I still haven't gotten that drink of water.


9:58 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
I'm dogged by the constant feeling that I'm forgetting something.