the life is brief

10:08 PM Posted In , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
I mean my post is brief. I feel only capable of a short list. Still haven't had time to go see how our inventory did in the new Parts & Labour store location during SXSW. Got a cryptic message that not all merchandise was able to be put out in their time crunch of trying to open in time for the tourists. Hope that means the time I spent getting the Metallikid & AC/DC onesies checked out of Waterloo Records and then shlepping them over to P&L and then scraping the goddam stickers off of them bit by tiny bit while the baby had a fit in the carseat and I cried... You get the picture. Some Metallikid better have sold and been displayed, is all I'm saying.

I'm getting more involved in web design, so things are exciting. It's hard to integrate with all the other stuff I'm doing, but I need to get better & earn more money in that direction.

Gonna give the boy a mohawk or skunk type haircut tomorrow with a fabulous hairdresser. I'm gonna miss his buttercup Beatles-esque mop but it'll grow out by summer. I'll try to take the kids to the bookstore's Saturday morning storytime first. Hopefully there won't be another morning thunderstorm.

free flow probably bad poem

11:14 PM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
the glue of comfortable life
ripping away
a fresh breeze 
of responsibility
nips there
in the wound
a healing wound
and yet
it's hard to force
yourself to make such a gash
everything turned upside down
but the stress is harnessed
and yet and yet
I cannot move
the glue the oil has greased
my wheels
so much easier to coccoon
and coil there
growing increasingly bad
at things you should be good at
like parenting
and housekeeping
ting ping bling bling
sing sing ding ding
the music, the clothes
these things make sense
are rocks
the kids, the computers, the love
the effort
just not the money
such a random assortment of 
food ingredients left over
that I can't even make dinner

My Darlings

10:27 PM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »

I suck

9:50 PM Posted In , , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
I suck at being a fully engaged, interesting, inspiring parent.

I suck at making money.

I suck at managing money.

I suck at making decisions.

I suck at doing the dishes every night.

I suck at keeping my house clean, especially the bathrooms.

I suck at keeping my things organized.

I suck at impulse control.

I suck at getting important long-term projects done.

I suck at working.

I suck at keeping up with the laundry.

I suck at feeding the cats.

I suck at exercising.

I suck at being a creative person.

10:15 AM Posted In , , Edit This 0 Comments »
Yesterday was friend day! My best friend from MD called in the morning and we chatted for a long while, while I nursed my coffee and the baby, and she scrubbed her bathtub. Then at night, I went out after putting the baby to bed and stayed out really late talking at my other friend's house who I haven't seen in forever. When I got home at 3am, the baby was of course still totally asleep. (Why can't he do that when mommy wants to go to bed early?) But I got my sweet husbandyrooniedoo to feed him the hard-earned bottle of pumped milk I had left prepared so that I could at least fall asleep on my own. The little piglet was brought into bed at some unspecified short time later when he wouldn't fall asleep after said bottle, but at least I got to pretend to go to bed.

I'm totally ignoring the children right now! We're about to take them to the Austin Kite Festival though, so family enrichment time will trump the current TV mindsuck.