the life is brief
10:08 PM Posted In baby shirts , haircut , inventory , web design Edit This 0 Comments »
I mean my post is brief. I feel only capable of a short list. Still haven't had time to go see how our inventory did in the new Parts & Labour store location during SXSW. Got a cryptic message that not all merchandise was able to be put out in their time crunch of trying to open in time for the tourists. Hope that means the time I spent getting the Metallikid & AC/DC onesies checked out of Waterloo Records and then shlepping them over to P&L and then scraping the goddam stickers off of them bit by tiny bit while the baby had a fit in the carseat and I cried... You get the picture. Some Metallikid better have sold and been displayed, is all I'm saying.
I'm getting more involved in web design, so things are exciting. It's hard to integrate with all the other stuff I'm doing, but I need to get better & earn more money in that direction.
Gonna give the boy a mohawk or skunk type haircut tomorrow with a fabulous hairdresser. I'm gonna miss his buttercup Beatles-esque mop but it'll grow out by summer. I'll try to take the kids to the bookstore's Saturday morning storytime first. Hopefully there won't be another morning thunderstorm.