9:36 PM Posted In kids , nursing , potty training , vacation Edit This 0 Comments »
Fine, all right, I'll do some grats. Because I'm feeling ungrateful about my nursing grizzly bear who takes 1.5 hrs to fall asleep, and because I completed the epic journey from my house in TX to my parents' house in WI today and just need to focus on the good, little things, instead of all the things that made today hard.
1. watching my 20 month old take off running when we finally got out of the car, into the still wet from rain, still lightly drizzling early evening light of the acreage of my parents' luscious back yard.
2. this honey vodka from my parents' liquor cabinet tastes divine
3. my 4 yr old fell asleep before her brother
4. 20 month old was pleased as punch to pee like a big boy in the gas station potty (well as much a big boy as you can be when mommy is holding you business-side tilted over the toilet) It was like pouring water from a watering can!
5. the little joys of cheap wrapped presents doled out to children over the course of a long flight and equally long car ride
6. leaving a love note for dh (who is not on vacation with us) on top of the coffee machine where he'll find it tonight
7. getting 3 weeks to relax and explore
1. watching my 20 month old take off running when we finally got out of the car, into the still wet from rain, still lightly drizzling early evening light of the acreage of my parents' luscious back yard.
2. this honey vodka from my parents' liquor cabinet tastes divine
3. my 4 yr old fell asleep before her brother
4. 20 month old was pleased as punch to pee like a big boy in the gas station potty (well as much a big boy as you can be when mommy is holding you business-side tilted over the toilet) It was like pouring water from a watering can!
5. the little joys of cheap wrapped presents doled out to children over the course of a long flight and equally long car ride
6. leaving a love note for dh (who is not on vacation with us) on top of the coffee machine where he'll find it tonight
7. getting 3 weeks to relax and explore
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